Other Projects
Tuned Gongs Sample Library
Tuned Thai gongs are expensive, cumbersome instruments which many percussionists/composers in the United States may not have access to. Noticing a lack of high-quality gong sample libraries, I decided to work on creating my own. Me and Olin Edwards (pictured to the left) recorded a 2.5 octave whole tone scale, from the lowest pitch available to us.
This was a project that was spread out over the course of multiple days, with countless hours spent between the both of us getting it just right. The final sample library has 3 velocity layers and 3 round robins per layer. You can download it from Pianobook website for free, as a DecentSampler instrument.
Special thanks to Fernando Meza and Mike Duffy of the University of Minnesota for making this possible!
Snare Drum Pedal Dampener
Based on a prototype in Fernando Meza's made of wood, this contraption is designed to silently turn the snares on in off for pieces like Bartok's Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion. This version uses a 3D printed pedal and foam mount, with rubber bands holding the foam against the bottom of the snare drum. The pedal is connected to the foam with a nylon buckle strap, so it is fully height adjustable.